Sunday, July 29, 2007

The 6 Month Milestone

Once again, it's been way too long. What can I say? We've been extremely busy. I don't have much exciting news to offer, except that K. is doing terrific. He was 20 lbs at 6 months, which puts him in the top 95th percentile! He is long too, so he is bigger than many one-year-olds.

Melissa is working part time. This requires 10 hours with a nanny, and even crazier, 10 hours alone with me every week! So far, K. has adjusted fine, and we really like the nanny.

Here are some of the things K. has been doing:

Sitting by himself without assistance. He flops over occasionally but he also can go indefinitely without help.

Turning over from back to tummy at will. He can turn over from tummy to back, but not all the time.

Eating solid food, including banana, yogurt, avocado, sweet potato, squash, rice cereal, and millet. He doesn't like millet, but I can hardly blame him.

Giggling, sometimes repeatedly.

Laughing at the following sentence: "We're going to force YOU to read the GRAPES of WRAAAAATH!"

Grabbing anything you put in front of him, usually to put it in his mouth.

This list is probably typical for all kids K.'s age, but we're feeling pretty proud of ourselves having gotten him to this point.

Unfortunately his sleeping has taken a turn for the worse. After sleeping through the night at 3 months, lately he has been waking up at least once and more often two to three times per night. Usually he will go right back to sleep after a little nursing or "bouncing," but sometimes he will wake up fully for an hour or more at a time! However, every time we get to our wits end, he'll have a couple of good nights in a row, so we have not felt forced to do a "cry it out method."

Anyway, here we are at my company "luau" picnic. I'll try to post some more video when I get a chance to upload them.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Springtime in D-town

Sorry it's been a damn long time since I've posted. What can I say, it's pretty exhausting just taking care of a 3-month-old and getting the laundry done every day. Anyway, K. is doing great. He starting to sleep through the night with some consistency, he's "talking" and smiling more and more every day.

Today made us appreciate some of the finer aspects of D-town. It started with a trip to the farmer's market, where we scored some wild morel mushrooms. They were $43 per pound, is that a good deal? I don't know because I have never seen wild morel mushrooms! So of course we had to try them. Pictured below is what I made with them: homemade fettuccini with morel mushrooms sauteed with garlic in olive oil, butter , and white wine. This was the first time in a while that I've had the time to go all out with the homemade pasta, but it was worth it.

After the market, we went for a hike in one of the local parks. It was a perfect day, about 70% and sunny. Wildflowers were blooming all over the place, including this lonely dog violet, the only one of its kind that we've seen this spring. Even cooler, we got a rare daytime look at an owl (I think it was a barred owl). I saw him jump up into a tree and managed to get a great look in the binoculars. He looked right at me with huge dark mysterious eyes.

Anyway, then we came home and I made that pasta. All in all, a perfect day! Here also is a recent picture of K. with my brother and one of M.'s friends' kids.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

K.'s first dance

Here's newborn K. getting down to some old timey tunes: